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Fall 2021

Event Series Lineup









Prefiguring Buen Sobrevivir: Post-extractivist, Communitarian Feminist

Practices for Good Survival 

Benjamin Fash is an artist and PhD Candidate at Clark University. His activist

research with social movements is concerned with colonialist resource extraction

and experiments with alternative economies, primarily in Honduras. He is co-director

of the documentary Por la Vida, celebrating Lenca women's communitarian feminist

practices. He is also co-founder of Cine Bolomchon, a community-based film

production and exhibition collective.


Expanding Mining’s Frontier to the deep seabed: What could

possibly go wrong? 

Dr. Catherine Coumans has coordinated corporate accountability research and

the Asia-Pacific program at MiningWatch Canada for 20 years. She has worked

in solidarity with communities and Indigenous peoples affected by Canadian

mining companies in more than ten Asia-Pacific countries and in Tanzania.

She holds a Ph.D. in Anthropology and has published on mining in more

than 15 peer reviewed publications since 2008.



Dr. Felipe Milanez, is an Assistant Professor, with tenure, at the

Institute for Humanities, Arts and Sciences, an interdisciplinary

research center at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). Milanez 

has taught at the Federal University of Reconcavo, Bahia. He received

his PhD from the University of Coimbra in  2015.

Friday, September 17th 4:30pm

At Libbie Lounge - Geography Building

or join us on Zoom HERE 


Imagining Collective Futures in the Amazon 

Wednesday, September 15th 12:00pm to 1:15pm


This event is virtual and will be held in English and Portuguese

with simultaneous translation to both language.

To register, click HERE.

Co-sponsored with: Harvard University, David Rockefeller Center

for Latin American Studies (DRCLAS)














Spring 2021

Event Series Lineup












Dr. Sarah Kelly, Postdoctoral Scholar at Dartmouth College in

the Department of Anthropology and at the Centro de

Investigación para la Gestión Integrada del Riesgo de Desastres

in Santiago de Chile.  She is a water-energy geographer and

political ecologist.

"Intercultural methodologies for confronting neo-extractivism

in the Willimapu, Chile"

May 7th 4pm

Click HERE to access the Zoom link

To access the recorded event, click HERE 




Documentary Screening and Panel

¿Qué les pasó a las abejas? "What happened to the bees?

Ambulante A.C., Mexico

Panel Participants:


Robin Canul Suárez, documentary photographer and journalist, focuses

on human rights and environmental issues.


Leydy Pech, Goldman Environmental Prize, Mayan Beekeper.


Jorge Fernández Mendiburu, Human Rights lawyer. NGO "Indignación".

May 5th Noon

Click HERE to access the Zoom link 




Anna Bario

Bario Neal Co.

"Ethical sourcing in jewelry: metals, diamonds and gemstones"

A look at traceable, responsible materials from small-scale mining and

recycled goods in the jewelry sector, and areas for greatest impacts from

a jeweler's perspective

Click HERE to access the Zoom link




Andrew Curley, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in the School

of Geography, Development & Environment (SGDE) at the

University of Arizona. His research focuses on the everyday

incorporation of Indigenous nations into colonial economies.


"T’áá hwó ají t’éego and the end of the Navajo coal industry"

March 26, 4pm

Click HERE to access the Zoom link

To access the recorded event click HERE


Rachel Golden Krone, Ph.D. is a social scientist at the Moore

Center for Science at Conservation International, focused on

environmental governance. She leads the organization’s work on



"The impermanence of protected areas: challenges and opportunities for

conservation science, policy, and practice"

March 12, 4pm

Click HERE to access the Zoom link


Fall 2020


Esther Figueroa - PhD, Jamaican independent film maker, writer, educator

and linguist.


"Fly Me To The Moon” Jamaica and the Global Aluminum Industry. How the Periphery Makes the

Center Possible

Register HERE for FREE Pre-event Movie Screening

Click HERE to access the Zoom link

16 October, 4pm

To access the recorded event, click HERE




Thea Riofrancos - Assistant Professor of Political Science, Providence College

Coauthor of A Planet to Win: Why We Need a Green New Deal.

Andrew Carnegie Fellow (2020-2022) Radcliffe Institute Fellow (2020-2021).


"Resource Radicals: From Petro-Nationalism to Post-Extractivism in Ecuador"

Click HERE to access the Zoom link

2 October, 4pm

To access the recorded event, click HERE






John Rogan - Professor at the Graduate School of Geography, Clark University  ​​


"Extractives and GIS: Solar Panel Fields and Forest Loss in Massachusetts/ Uganda-Tanga

Crude Oil Pipeline Potential Impact"


​Click HERE to access the Zoom link

25 September, 4pm â€‹



Winter 2019-2020


Extractives@Clark organized two paper sessions at the

Conference of Latin American Geography in Antigua, Guatemala ::  2-4 January, 2020



Contemporary extractivism in Latin America 1: Representations and Reconceptualizations


This panel explores manifestations of contemporary extractivism in Latin America, as well the ways in which it can be conceptualized and

represented. Extractivism goes beyond extractive industries (mining, oil, and gas) and may be better understood as a logic of rent capture

that involves the extraction of natural resource rents without restoration of those resources nor of the socio-natural relations that they

previously sustained. Extractivism can be manifest, then, as development strategies based on synergies between infrastructure, extractive

industry, agro-industry, extensive ranching and similar, as well as in the form of smaller scale activities operating with logics of rent capture
without restoration or care. Alternatives to extractivism refer not only to alternative economic activities, but also to alternatives logics based

not on rent capture but diverse forms of socio-natural cohabitation. The academy, civil society, private and public sector actors have

represented extractivism and its alternatives in diverse ways. The papers in this panel document a range of extractivisms and

alternatives, and diverse means of representing and conceptualizing these.











Contemporary extractivism in Latin America 2: Representations and Reconceptualizations


Extractivism always involves violence, but the forms taken by such violence vary in kind and degree as well as across space and time and

intersect in complex ways with the governance of the territories in which resource extraction occurs. This panel explores such violences

and their implications for territorial governance and control, as well as the conditions under which more inclusive and peaceful forms of

governance might emerge. The panel addresses cases from both Mesoamerican and South America, in particular covering territories

affected by mining, hydrocarbons, tourism, and extractive logging.










Fall 2019



Ximena Warnaars - Program Office, Natural Resources and Climate, at The Ford Foundation

​Career-focused Brown Bag

19 September (Wed.), 2pm : Jefferson, Room 202


Scott Sellwood - Senior Program Advisor, Extractive Industries, at Oxfam America

Career-focused Brown Bag

9 October (Wed.), 1pm : IDCE House, Granville Room


Roy Maconachie - Reader in International Development, University of Bath

"Voices from he Mine: Artisanal diamonds and resource governance in Sierra Leone"

21 October (Mon.), 6pm : Dana Commons, Fireside Lounge


Cesar Gamboa - Executive Director, Derechos, Ambiente, y Recursos Naturales (Peru)

"Threats to the Amazon: Fire and Infrastructure"

4 November (Mon.), 6pm : Sackler, Room 121


Jose Martinez-Diaz - Director of Engagement, Greenpeace USA

Conversation on activism and environmental careers

22 November, 4pm : Libbey Lounge (Geog. 104)




Summer 2019


Anthony Bebbington and Denise Humphreys-Bebbington

Report Launch of “Evaluación y alcance de la industria extractiva y la infraestructura

en relación con la deforestación: Amazonía

Recap of event (ESP) can be found HERE

5 July 2019 : Lima, Peru



Anthony Bebbington and Denise Humphreys-Bebbington

Book Launch ofGobernanza de las industrias extractivas: politica, historia, ideas

Video recap of event (ESP) can be found HERE

5 July 2019 : Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru




Fall 2018


Anthony Bebbington

Second Forum of the National Human Rights Ombudsperson: "Perú en Diálogo: Transformando conflictos sociales en

desarrollo para todos y todas"

17 September 2018 : Lima, Peru




Anthony Bebbington - Extractivism and territorial governance


Belén Noroña - Mining as epistemic violence: Erasure of Indigenous epistemologies in the Amazon region of Ecuador


Andrew Davis - Extractive economies, new "regimes of rule" and implications for social movements in Central America


Discussant: Christian Brannstrom

Nicholas Cuba - Landsat time series show the nature and magnitude of the impact of mineral extraction on agriculture and natural vegetation in the Peruvian Highlands


Denise Humphreys Bebbington - Infrastructure development, resource extraction and threats to forest communities in Mexico


Laura Aileen Sauls - Examining the socio-environmental impacts of extractivist policy in Central America


Benjamin Fash - Re-presenting extractivism and alternatives from Honduran social movements

The cover image for Thea Riofrancos book Resource Radicals
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Worcester, MA, USA

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