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Marimón, P. D., Bebbington, D. H., Bebbington, A. J., Sauls, L. A., Cuba, N., Chicchon, A., Hecht, S., Rogan, J., Ray, R., Diaz, O., Kandel, S., Osborne, T., Rivera, M., & Zalles, V. (2021). ‘Tradescapes’ in the forest: Framing infrastructure’s relation to territory, commodities, and flows. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 53, 29–36. LINK TO PAPER


Bebbington, A., Chicchon, A., Cuba, N., Greenspan, E., Hecht, S., Bebbington, D. H., Kandel, S., Osborne, T., Ray, R., Rogan, J., & Sauls, L. (2020). Opinion: Priorities for governing large-scale infrastructure in the tropics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(36), 21829. LINK TO PAPER


T. Toumbourou, M. Muhdar, T. Werner, and A. Bebbington (2020). "Political ecologies of the post-mining landscape: Activism, resistance, and legal struggles over Kalimantan's coal mines." Energy Research & Social Science.    LINK TO PAPER


T. Werner, A. Bebbington, G. Gregory (2019). "Assessing the impacts of mining: Recent contributions from GIS and remote sensing." The Extractive Industries and Society.


E. Arond, A. Bebbington, and J.L. Dammert (2019). "NGOs as innovators in extractive industry governance. Insights from the EITI process in Colombia and Peru." The Extractive Industries and Society.


A. Bebbington, B. Fash, and J. Rogan (2019). "Socio-environmental Conflict, Political Settlements, and Mining Governance: A cross-border comparison, El Salvador and Honduras." Latin American Perspectives.   LINK TO PAPER


N. Cuba, B. Fash, J. Rogan, A. Khan, J.-L. Palma Herrera, C. Mondragon, R. Corrales, S. Martinez, and S. Sellwood (2019). “Measuring and categorizing the water-related downstream risks associated with mineral extraction in Honduras: How severe, and how distributed?” Applied Geography.


A.J. Bebbington, D.H. Bebbington, L.A. Sauls, J. Rogan, S. Agrawal, C. Gamboa, A. Imhof, K. Johnson, H. Rosa, A. Royo, T. Toumbourou, and R. Verdum (2018). "Resource extraction and infrastructure threaten forest cover and community rights" PNAS.     LINK


A.J. Bebbington, D.H. Bebbington (2018). "Mining, movements and sustainable development: Concepts for a framework" Sustainable Development. 26, 441-449.


A.J. Bebbington, L.A. Sauls, H. Rosa, B. Fash, and D.H. Bebbington (2018). "Conflicts over Extractivisit Policy and the Forest Frontier in Central America" European Review of Latin American and Caribbean   LINK


D.H. Bebbington, R. Verdum, C. Gamboa, and A.J. Bebbington (2018). "The Infrastructure-Extractives-Resource Governance Complex in the Pan-Amazon" European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies.    LINK


S. Odell, A. Bebbington, and K. Frey (2018). "Mining and climate change: a review and framework for analysis." The Extractive Industries and Society, 5, 201-214.


E. Arond, A. Bebbington, and J.L. Dammert (2017). "Explaining diverse national responses to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative in the Andes: What sort of politics matter?" The Extractive Industries and Society, 4, 833-841.


K. Patel, J. Rogan, N. Cuba, and A. Bebbington (2016). "Evaluating conflict surrounding mineral extraction in Ghana: Assessing the spatial interactions of large and small-scale mining." The Extractive Industries and Society. LINK TO PAPER


L. Hinojosa, A. Bebbington, G. Cortez, J.P. Chumacero, D.H. Bebbington, and K. Hennermann (2015). "Gas and development: Rural territorial dynamics in Tarija, Bolivia." World Development, 73, 105-117.


J.A. Berdegue, J. Escobal, and A. Bebbington (2015). "Explaining spatial diversity in Latin American rural development: Structures, Institutions, and Coalitions."World Development, 73, 129-137.


P.O. Peralta, A. Bebbington, P. Hollenstein, I. Nussbaum, and E. Ramirez (2015). "Extraterritorial investments, environmental crisis, and collective action in Latin America" World Development, 73, 32-43.


D.H. Bebbington (2015). "Extraction, inequality and indigenous peoples: Insights from Bolivia." Environmental Science & Policy, 33, 438-446.


A.J. Bebbington, J. Bury, N. Cuba, and J. Rogan (2015). "Mining, risk and climate resilience in the ‘other’ Pacific: Latin American lessons for the South Pacific." Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 56:2, 189-207. LINK TO PAPER


A. Bebbington (2015). "Political ecologies of resource extraction: agendas pendiente." European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 85-98.


A. Bebbington (2014). "Socio-environmental conflict: an opportunity for mining companies." Journal of Cleaner Production. 84, 34-49.


D.M. Franks, R. Davis, A. Bebbington, S.H. Ali, D. Kemp, and M. Scurrah (2014). "Conflict translates environmental and social risk into business costs." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111, 7576-7581.


A. Elmes, J.G. Yarlequé Ipanaqué, J. Rogan, N. Cuba, and A. Bebbington (2014) "Mapping licit and illicit mining activity in the Madre de Dios region of Peru." Remote Sensing Letters, 5:10, 882-891. LINK TO PAPER


A.J. Bebbington, N. Cuba, and J. Rogan (2014). "Visualizing competing claims on resources: Approaches from extractive industries research." Applied Geography, 52, 55-56. LINK TO PAPER


N. Cuba, A. Bebbington, J. Rogan, and M. Millones (2014). Extractive industries, livelihoods and natural resources competition: Mapping overlapping claims in Peru and Ghana. Applied Geography, 54, 250-261. LINK TO PAPER


J. Emel, J. Plisinski, and J. Rogan (2014). "Monitoring geomorphic and hydrologic change at mine sites using satellite imagery: The Geita Gold Mine in Tanzania." Applied Geography, 54, 243-249. LINK TO PAPER


A. Bebbington (2012). "Underground political ecologies: the second annual lecture of the Cultural and Political Ecology Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers" Geoforum, 43, 1152-1162.


D.H. Bebbington (2012). "Consultation, compensation and conflict: natural gas extraction in Weenhayek territory, Bolivia." Journal of Latin American Geography, 49-71.


A.J. Bebbington, D.H. Bebbington (2012). "An Andean avatar: Post-neoliberal and neoliberal strategies for securing the unobtainable" New Political Economy, 16, 131-145.


D.H. Bebbington, A.J. Bebbington (2010). "Anatomy of a regional conflict: Tarija and resource grievances in Morales's Bolivia." Latin American Perspectives, 140-60.


D.H. Bebbington, A.J. Bebbington (2010). "Extraction, territory, and inequalities: Gas in the Bolivian Chaco." Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 30, 259-280.

Journal Articles

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